The Company regularly considers the impact of its activities and how they affect the environment, both directly in terms of our own operations and indirectly through our purchasing decisions, the products and services we offer and the actions of our key suppliers. 

We are committed to minimising the impact of our operations on the environment by upholding the following environmental commitments to: 

  • Comply with all applicable environmental legislation, codes of practice, regulatory controls and business requirements.
  • Minimise pollution or nuisance that may be caused by our activities
  • Minimise the generation of emissions and waste, disposing of according to local and national rules and regulations.
  • Use energy and natural resources (including water, energy and raw materials) efficiently and to reduce consumption where possible.
  • Regularly review the environmental impact of our activities and continually improve our environmental performance through the setting and review of realistic, achievable and sustainable objectives.
  • To provide appropriate resources for the implementation of this policy and in line with the context of the business to work with relevant interested parties/stakeholders to implement this policy. 
  • Regularly review the environmental impact of our activities, endeavour to reduce our overall environmental impact and prevent waste using best practice techniques;
  • Involve employees in our environmental programme and provide necessary training to enable them to discharge their responsibilities
  • Sustain a programme of continual improvement in environmental performance incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanisms
  • Work with key suppliers to encourage them to develop environmental best practice; and
  • Where applicable encourage our supply chain to adopt similar environmental commitments